Welcome to RX’ New Normal
Shenzhen International Film & Tape Exhibition
Dear Customers,
RX has released its global health and safety strategy ‘EVENTS IN THE NEW NORMAL’ document in Jan, 2022. This revised edition keeps pace with the evolving pandemic; emerging research; changes in thinking and practice etc. as the industry gradually adapts and reopens for business.
The health and safety of our exhibitors, visitors, colleagues and partners remains our number one priority, and our global Safety Shows strategy and 5-Point enhanced health and safety plan continues to evolve but remains focused on: Collaboration & Engagement, Risk Management, Planning, Communication and Safeguarding measures.
Our 5-Point Safety plan sets out to reduce the assessed risks of Covid-19 by complementing and building on safeguarding measures already in place outside of the trade exhibition and event setting. This strategy demonstrates to all our partners and customers that we are able to run COVID-19 safe and compliant shows in the countries where we are permitted and that we are equally prepared to do so in all other countries as they slowly reopen.
Currently, China has resumed holding face to face exhibitions. RX will continue to work closely with pandemic prevention and public security authorities in China as well as venues and partners to plan and hold safe and secure exhibitions in accordance with China's latest pandemic prevention and control situation and policies. We will follow the pandemic prevention policies and deploy epidemic prevention measures, including but not limited to:
a) The venues should be disinfected regularly and well ventilated every day
b) Exhibitors and visitors need to register in real name for tracking if necessary
c) Set up non-contact body temperature check at the entrance of the exhibition
d) Carry out mask wearing check at the exhibition entrance and in the exhibition hall
e) Provide disinfectant and spare masks at registration counter and functional areas at the exhibition
f) Manage the flow of people in the exhibition hall
g) Remind exhibitors and visitors to keep social distance and avoid contact-interaction through event communications
h) Provide hygiene advice (wash hands frequently, sneeze with tissue, wear masks properly, etc.) for exhibitors and visitors through event communications
i) Decline the following personnel to participate in the exhibition
- who are showing COVID-19 symptoms
- who present a risk of transmitting COVID-19 to others
Pandemic requirements at RX events will be updated according to government’s pandemic prevention policies.
For more information on the latest information on the New Corona Outbreak, policies, and strategies for prevention, please refer to the following:
On behalf of Reed Exhibitions, I would like to invite you to return to Shenzhen International Film & Tape Show at the Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center form Oct.11th--13th ,2023, and I look forward to seeing you again at the event in a familiar presence!
Finally, I urge you to remain patient and safe during the show, to respect the rights of others for their own safety and well-being, and to understand and cooperate with the anti-epidemic measures on site. I wish you all a very enjoyable and fruitful time exhibiting and visiting the Shenzhen International Film & Tape Show!
Aaron Ye
Project Director
RX China